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People think that covid-19 vaccine is the remedy to step the emergency of covid-19 pandemic but that is nonsense to some other people
added by 1001277811 118 days ago 1    0

mange any infections as has always be guided by different writings and we shall get over it.mange any infections as has always be guided by different writings and we shall get over it.
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 1    0

I has taken long for health organization s giving us drugs for our health so , whether you Doge or not but it's of your benefit and good we'll being of u. Yes diseases made and drugs manufactured so agree for developments to come. No one knows .

added by 1001098163 669 days ago 2    0

there are some people who are afraid of being vaccinated. So it really needs a little coercion. For the sake of goodness, so as not to get infected with covid. Even if you get vaccinated, you can still get it, let alone not get vaccinated, right?
added by 1001249032 676 days ago 2    0

Why do we need forced covid-19 vaccination in communities!!

In Rufumbira there is a saying that, "Urusha nyina wumwana imbabazi, abaga yenda kumurya", in English literal translation, it means that, "if you have more sympathy for some one's child, that you want to eat it!!!".

This for our own cake, let us manage the situations singularly and be responsible for our lives. let us take precautions to mange any infections as has always be guided by different writings and we shall get over it.

Thank you very much
God bless you, God Bless Uganda.

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Your question is a little confusing, however I am against any forced or coerced shots for anyone. These covid "vaccines" are not actually vaccines since they raise your chances of getting covid, spreading covid, dying from covid & they alter your genes- you know, your DNA & they affect fertility in both men & women & you pass on these DNA changes to your children potentially & you have an increased risk of heart damage, the list goes on & on & on. These big drug companies do not make money when you get well, they make money when you are sick & their shareholders demand more profits so therefore people need to get sick more according to Big Pharma. So instead of innovating & really helping people these Big Pharma companies are like a plague on our planet. Do what you want, you better think long & hard about it first. Note, it is illegal to force or coerce anyone to take a medical experiment & that is what these covid shots are, they are medical experiments, none are fully approved!
added by Anonymous 673 days ago 2    0