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It is noticeable that asthma is a hereditary respiratory diseases which is proven to have no perfect cure but people do use local herbs for the treatment of it which do suppress it
added by 1001277811 116 days ago 1    0

People are trying out many herbs to cure it but most times the herbs only suppress it for just a little while.
added by Anonymous 665 days ago 1    0

Asthma is caused by so many factors , it might be hereditary or not. So if it is , there are some drugs that can be used to relieve pain and make the patient feel relieved but above all asthma is cause by failure of opening of vein that take air with in the lungs. So those veins can open by taking hot water with herbal coffee .
added by 1001098163 667 days ago 1    0

Asthma is a hereditary respiratory disease.Alot of people are suffering from it. Is there a cure for

Asthma is a hereditary respiratory disease and many people are suffering from this disease.
People are trying out many herbs to cure it but most times the herbs only suppress it for just a little while.

Is there a cure for asthma?

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