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Of course there are many associated website affiliated with safezone website such like proorno yem foundation unicorn network and a lot more.
added by 1001277811 122 days ago 1    0

Monsieur dans votre écrit concretement vous n'avez rien dit.

En vous lisant on veux savoir pourquoi vous dites que c'est le plus grand projet et on VEUT COMPRENDRE VOTRE TITRE OÙ VOUS AFFIRMÉ QUE VOUS AVEZ COMPRIS LE PROJET. COMMENT? ET POURQUOI? RIEN N'A ÉTÉ DIT.
added by Anonymous 650 days ago 4    0

Pertama kali saya bingung apa ini safezone? Setelah saya pelajarin mungkin ini jalan untuk saya menuju sesuatu yang terbaik. Banyak hal yang belum saya pahami, tetapi saya berusaha untuk memahami apa apa yang ada dibalik link safezone ini. Dan pasti akan terpahami seiring waktu.
added by Anonymous 673 days ago 5    0

Reason why many people are unaware of what is going on in the safezone, is because many are jyst followers, and don't bother seeking for more information. There main emphasis, is when they can convert their yem into fiat money.
added by 1000885064 674 days ago 6    0

Absolutely right. For a longtime, if I want to open a link, I usually go thru safezonepass. But there are so many that are not in safezonepass. The admin can help us find a way to list all links. Maybe in wazzup
added by 1001128408 674 days ago 6    0

yes, it is precisely today that I made the remark. but it allowed us to have a lot of knowledge, and it is very important for each of us
added by Anonymous 674 days ago 7    0

Exactly, me too I have seen that it has a lot of links which also gives us more knowledge about it and other things from within SafeZone..lest keep moving
added by Anonymous 674 days ago 6    0


I am used of seeing many people with different information and me not understanding the source of such information, but I was lucky to also discover something for my self and I will continue doing so because I believed that this is the World's Biggest Project. May God continue to bless us all in this project.

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