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Some people because of their unbelief had passed a lot of opportunity repeatedly resulting to their poorness.
added by 1001277811 143 days ago 1    0

Unfortunately it may take tale for some pwople to accept YEM.people never want to accept that there's something or someone above them
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 1    0

Yes some people will never believe in yem because not everyone will never become rich and only GOD is the one who choose His people so not everyone will believe in yem

added by Anonymous 677 days ago 2    0

People believing in YEM is like fantasy. They are waiting for government to announce it in public and explain how good YEM is the consequences for not joining and so on
added by Anonymous 678 days ago 1    0

Seriously people can doubt it's legitimacy because there are a lot of scammers everywhere. Therefore they fear to be scammed especially that most of online platforms are created just fir scamming purposes.
Hence people would even miss an opportunity due to fear.
added by Anonymous 679 days ago 2    0

Pembuktian bukan sekedar memberikan manfaat.tetapi bagaimana cara kita untuk memberikan info Yem dengan sebaik baiknya agar orang bisa melek apa itu sebenarnya yem
added by SYAFRUDIN SYAFRUDIN 679 days ago 2    0

There are people who never believe these online platforms or currencies. And even if you provide strong evidence it's in their blood to doult everything
added by 1001249430 680 days ago 3    0

Some people will never believe in YEM nomatter the evidence you present

Most people never want to accept that there's something or someone above them.
I want to shun a colleague who discouraged me from investing in YEM saying that it's not legit. At this point that person can't even afford a single YEM. But I'm glad I stood my ground and a my position.
Don't let any discouragement sweep you off. Grab the chance.

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