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Government is so dynamic to the extent that whatever they decides to do they will do without much embarasement.
added by 1001277811 142 days ago 1    0

Telling people at once that we driving to a cashless world may be difficult so the people need to be gradually sensitized.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 1    0

Will governments tell the people that the world will change cash to cashless

No country will tell their citizens that digitalization transition is soon coming, they expect their citizens to understand the economic trends through media and other channels.
To ease trade, all countries have to adopt a common digital currency so as to make their transaction flexible.

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Governments cant tell the people that the world is going to be cashless because Govts are there to benefit from the people because they act as middle men who exploit the people they lead.
added by Anonymous 684 days ago 3    0

Most governments are in control of many stuff, to tell natives about such, they may not benefit as they have been doing.
added by Anonymous 684 days ago 4    0