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Of of course without being told crypto currency is going to be the solution of the recent economics problem facing the entire globe.
added by 1001277811 122 days ago 1    0

Economists and financial experts say only crypto currency can stablise the current high price increament. It is possible for crypto currencies to stabilise the current economic crisis
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 1    0

Can crypto currency be the alternative solution to the current economic situation in the whole world

Can crypto currency be the alternative solution to the current economic situation in the whole world ?
Most economists and financial experts say only crypto currency can stablise the current high price increament , others say it's the violence in Ukraine and Russia that caused everything. What is your say

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Cryptocurrencies would only be a solution to the current economic challenges if they were well planned and organized to do so. This is an edge YEM has over other digital currencies

added by Anonymous 693 days ago 2    0