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Both of them equally produces daughters cell but varies in categories of numbers the meiosis produces four daughters cell while mitosis produces two daughters cell
added by 1001277811 131 days ago 1    0

Both involve spindle fiber formation.
Both involve division of nucleus.
Both takes place in organisms
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 4    0

Both involve replication of DNA and the centrioles.
Both involve spindle fiber formation.
Both involve division of nucleus.
Both takes place in organisms.

added by 1001246165 670 days ago 4    0

Both begin with diploid chromosome numbers.
Both involve replication of DNA and the centrioles.
Both involve spindle fiber formation.
added by 1001246165 700 days ago 5    0

Similarities between meiosis and mitosis.

Both begin with diploid chromosome numbers.
Both involve replication of DNA and the centrioles.
Both involve spindle fiber formation.
Both involve division of nucleus.
Both takes place in organisms.

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