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Of a truth all human being are emotionally condition being because my thoughts is not your thoughts.
added by 1001277811 131 days ago 1    0

For example when you are slapped, the first emotional response to that stimulus is to slap back or hit back to cool off the emotion triggered by the slap
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 3    0

The emotional response to the slap can be controlled and with time lessens and eventually vanished however it's always hot at the time it's induced.
added by 1001246165 670 days ago 3    0

Emotional responses that are based on nature of stimulus are just conditioned. This is a fact about human beings, their emotions are always triggered by the conditions surrounding them or those that happen to them.
added by 1001246165 701 days ago 4    0


Emotional responses that are based on nature of stimulus are just conditioned. This is a fact about human beings, their emotions are always triggered by the conditions surrounding them or those that happen to them.
For example when you are slapped, the first emotional response to that stimulus is to slap back or hit back to cool off the emotion triggered by the slap. The emotional response to the slap can be controlled and with time lessens and eventually vanished however it's always hot at the time it's induced.

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