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When a computer has been affected by viruses it will not be functioning well any longer it will start to mishave .
added by 1001277811 131 days ago 1    0

Les symptômes indiquant qu'un ordinateur est infecté sont nombreux.
L'infection peut causer la difficulté de démarrer l'ordinateur. Certains fichiers seront corrompus rendant les données inutilisables. Le disque dur qui est le cerveau de l'ordinateur ne pourra pas fonctionner comme auparavant. Les dommages que l'ordinateur seront subis sont incalculables. Merci de votre attention.
added by Anonymous 664 days ago 2    0

If your computer has one of the following symptoms, it may mean it is infected.

• Error messages occurring more frequently
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 2    0

The emotional response to the slap can be controlled and with time lessens and eventually vanished however it's always hot at the time it's induced.
added by 1001246165 670 days ago 2    0

Opening unscanned files

2. Booting the computer with infected floppy disks

3. Failure to complete building a program

If your computer has one of the
added by 1001246165 700 days ago 3    0


A computer virus is a deviant program that attaches itself to the computer system and corrupts or destroys data.

Viruses can be activated through :

1. Opening unscanned files

2. Booting the computer with infected floppy disks

3. Failure to complete building a program

If your computer has one of the following symptoms, it may mean it is infected.

• Error messages occurring more frequently

• Adding garbage to files

• Auto power on and off without user command

• Un necessary variation in the processing speed

• Hard disk crash

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