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Revelation is key that unveils the scripture. The Bible is not understood by intellectual knowledge and intellectual faith, PHD and Doctorates in theology cannot unveil, but only and only by REVELATION given the HOLY SPIRIT
added by 1001081671 694 days ago 1    0

Religions have specific beliefs and rituals that must be fulfilled for one to suit in that religion. Religious people qoute some bible verses which suit their religion and ignore others that never match with their religion.
added by 1001246165 699 days ago 1    0

Why do people keep desputing about some things in the bible?

The main reason why a lot of people keep desputing about some topics in the bible is because of religion.

Religions have specific beliefs and rituals that must be fulfilled for one to suit in that religion. Religious people qoute some bible verses which suit their religion and ignore others that never match with their religion.

They despute with anyone who doesn't adhere to the bible in accordance with their religion however God has no religion, what he wants is a relationship. Take an example of Adam before the fall of man.

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