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Of course no! But certainly you are there today and this God has done.
God is doing alot though you don't see now, place your trust and trust in him, you will finally see it!
added by 1001246165 699 days ago 0    0

Of course faith is most essential need of Christian to come over any situation that is coming across . This had been buy Jesus himself when Peter emerged in water.
added by Anonymous 746 days ago 0    0

Don't just because you don't see it now, walk by faith.

Naturally we are doubtful of things we don't see, this instinct is in us.
However physical invisibility doesn't mean absence. There are so many things infront of you that are going to be done and fulfilled but currently you don't see them.
Did you have assurance that you would reach 05/04/2022?

Of course no! But certainly you are there today and this God has done.
God is doing alot though you don't see now, place your trust and trust in him, you will finally see it!

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