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Love is a bonding element that unites many people.
Families, friendships, relationships and trust are built on the foundation of love.

added by 1001246165 693 days ago 1    0

Loving one another is a bond and love is an ingridient of everything in humanity inorder to live in hormony with other creatures.
added by Anonymous 747 days ago 3    0

Do you know why God says we should love one another?

Love is a bonding element that unites many people.
Families, friendships, relationships and trust are built on the foundation of love.

God commands us to love one another because we are all relatives on planet earth.
We are all from one mother and one father, this means we all have some relations.
Can you hate your brother?
Can you hate your sister?
We are relatives on earth the reason why we should love one another.

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