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Am not so sure about that but I really hope that , that day will come when my weakness becomes the power force that drives me forward. So am looking forward to breaking that barrier and thrive
added by Anonymous 767 days ago 2    0

Where your greatest weakness is, lies your greatest power

Sometimes weaknesses is defined as living a negligent life where one neglects important things for the ones that bring him pleasure yet not essential.

Weakness is domant power, the power which is not yet activated, the power at rest.

When this power is activated, the form in which it was at first vanishes (Weakness)
Look at weaknesses as power still at rest which you need to activate.

This is why your weakest point is where your strongest power lies, discover your weakness today this is where your power is and if you fail to discover your weakness, you won't be able to discover your power too or where it is .

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