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killing disease forexample many people eat what they don't know really like frying everything comes across there sight
added by Anonymous 659 days ago 0    0

Many times we are the ones who bring problems some knowing others not knowing because of our ignorence which is the bad and killing disease forexample many people eat what they don't know really like frying everything comes across there sight
added by 1001246165 692 days ago 1    0

It's true because even some people's stomachs don't get satisfied like for example you may find someone eating something they don't know it's importance but when you ask them as to why they are eating such,they tell u that "even me I saw someone eating it and I also became attracted.
added by Anonymous 776 days ago 4    0

When it comes to solving problems and making tough decisions, people love plans especially their own plans, so they make a lot of them. And because they want the perfect plan, they demand more data to help them. A problem comes when the decision taken is bad. This is common in politics especially when one chooses a fake leader, it takes him or her long term problems when the politician is not doing what he or she is supposed to be doing.
added by Anonymous 786 days ago 4    0


Many times we are the ones who bring problems some knowing others not knowing because of our ignorence which is the bad and killing disease forexample many people eat what they don't know really like frying everything comes across there sight

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