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President Nayib Bukele did a right thing by officially introducing and recognizing bitcoin as a legal tender in his country how I wish the whole countries of the world will adopt bitcoin as a legal tender
added by 1001277811 120 days ago 1    0

It's a good idea to have adopted Bitcoin. The world is constantly changing economically and soon we will be talking about a true globalization of the economy. Every state or government will benefit from transaction taxes if there is proper regulation.
added by Anonymous 781 days ago 4    0

If Salvador chose cryptocurrency as the official means of exchange, in this case bitcoin, it is because he understood that in the near future we cannot do without it. cryptocurrency is the future
added by 1001220230 794 days ago 6    0

It will promote the use of cryptocurrencies in the country Hank's being a good program 4D country thanks

added by Anonymous 795 days ago 5    0

What you think about El Salvador making Bitcoin a legal tender in the country?

On September 7, El Salvador officially adopted Bitcoin as legal tender, making the cryptocurrency an accepted means of exchange for goods and services.
Do you think it is a right decision of their president Nayib Bukele to do this?

How do you vote?

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OK, I am not at all against the choice of his Excellency the President of this great Nation El Salvador, but of all Cryptos I am wondering as to why on Earth he decided to choose a clearly volatile Crypto currency when there are lots of stable currencies out there. I think he should have done more research before committing himself and his country to this change. Was there any cause for hurry? May be he wanted his country to go in history books as the first country in the World to embrace the block chain technology?

added by Anonymous 788 days ago 3    0