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Donald Trump not to declassify the JFK Assassination, so are there other secrets full of truth out there in the X-Files?
added by Anonymous 674 days ago 0    0

At every point in life there is always a secret out there but only few have access to it which is very bad. They only tell us whatever they feel like.
added by Anonymous 1309 days ago 3    0

Is the Truth really out there in the X-Files?

Has US Govt Agencies got hidden evidence of UFO's debris maybe even Aliens like from Roswell or others unknown not disclosed to public. Is there secretive Prime Bank Paper Instrument High Yield schemes for Elite wealthy investors that's been denied by Authorities or what secret is both the CIA & FBI trying to prevent getting out by successfully pursuing Donald Trump not to declassify the JFK Assassination, so are there other secrets full of truth out there in the X-Files?

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