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Keeping guinea fowl is also an effective means of pest control. Flocks of guineas kill and eat mice and small rats. In addition, guinea fowl can be used to control insects. Wild guineas eat mainly insects, and domestic guineas can consume large amounts of insects without affecting garden vegetables or flowers.
Thus playing an important big role in our communities.
added by Anonymous 802 days ago 3    0

5 reasons why you should have guinea fowls in your home

Guinea fowls act as security guards. Guinea fowls are known to be loud, and will alert you to any intruders. Source of food. Guinea fowls can be raised for meat and egg production. They are easy and cheap to feed. You can purchase supplemental feed, but guinea fowl will obtain most of their required nutrients through the act of foreaging. Protect your home from snakes. Guineas are an excellent way to protect your home from uninvited snakes. Guineas eat ticks and insects.

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