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That is true because the human mind is the source of every imagination and thought of human being.
added by 1001277811 123 days ago 0    0

The mind is capable of creating things mentally but it is the body to bring them into physical existence. This requires a super body.
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 2    0

The mind is capable of creating things mentally but it is the body to bring them into physical existence. This requires a super body.
added by 1001246165 662 days ago 3    0

It can be great when a human kind get super body they can do great things because today without this, human kind perform at high level

added by 1001246165 693 days ago 4    0

A human mind can perform far greater things if it's transferred into a super body.

The mind of man is more powerful than his body in that it is capable of staying in spiritual and physical world.
A mind is capable of thinking about things that the body cannot physically perform, if a human mind is transferred into a body that is not diseased and physically limitted, it can perform far greater things without external aid than it would in the natural body.
One person would be able to construct a building within a day.

The mind is capable of creating things mentally but it is the body to bring them into physical existence. This requires a super body.

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Un super cuerpo y la mente humana son incompatibles. Mente y cuerpo deben ser humanos. Ahora, debe equilibrarse nuestro cuerpo con nuestra mente, todo dentro del concepto humano, con nuestras limitaciones y potenciales, pero humanos.
added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 346 days ago 0    0