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The millennium development goals evolved from severalmajor international agreements by UN member states in the 1990s. These culminated in declaration, which was endorsed by all 191 UN
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The Millennium Development Goals were eight international development goals for the year 2015 that had been established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration.
added by Anonymous 800 days ago 2    0

The millennium development goals

The millennium development goals evolved from severalmajor international agreements by UN member states in the 1990s. These culminated in declaration, which was endorsed by all 191 UN member countries in,september 2000. In the declaration, commitments taken on by the members were compacted into eight benchmarks that would become in millennium development goals [MDGs]. UN member states adoped in the year 2015, as the timeline by which the targets set there in would be met. 1 Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger. 2 accomplish universal primary education. 3 improve gender equality and women empowerment. 4 Reduce child mortality. 5 improve maternal health. 6 combat Hiv/aids and malaria. 7 provide safe water. 8 global partnership for development.

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