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The inmate is searched to check if he or she possess a fatal weapon that could be used to commit suicide. 2 In the execution chamber, there is a bathroom and everything necessary, and the inmate is continuously and closely supervised to ensure that he or she doesn't commit suicide
added by 1001246165 696 days ago 2    0

There is some information one presents here that is not necessary and even educative or developmental to us!. So let's respect this platform and know its main purpose.
Thanks so much!.
added by Anonymous 810 days ago 4    0

or they just shoot you when they want - this is just a statement with out case for PRO or NO decision. whats the point?
added by Anonymous 810 days ago 2    0

8 things that happen before a prisoner is executed

1 The inmate is searched to check if he or she possess a fatal weapon that could be used to commit suicide. 2 In the execution chamber, there is a bathroom and everything necessary, and the inmate is continuously and closely supervised to ensure that he or she doesn't commit suicide. 3 on the day of execution, the inmate rises at 4:30am to attend to any outstanding issues. 4 They are allowed to spend time with their families or even make last-minute phone calls to say their goodbyes to any body he or she likes. 5 They are given their last supper and are allowed to prepare it themselves on a fateful. 6 The day inmate is trimmed to make the electrocution procedure easier if the sentence is to be carriedout by electrocution. 7 At this point, witness to the execution appear. They include family members, lawyers, friends and even strangers. 8 Eventually, the preacher contemplates the inmate's final execution and prayer to be accepted in heaven.

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