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No game is killed by a roaring lion. Nothing is gained by sitting around and chatting about something. The proverb also means that you should work quietly towards your goals rather than prematurely talking about your accomplishmen
added by 1001246165 698 days ago 1    0

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Team work makes the dream work. Ambition and an eagerness to succeed are of course vital, but no one can climb the ladder to the top without at least one leg-up.
Don't sail out farther than you can row back. Know your limits. This may seem like advice to potentially curtail ambition and enthusiasm, but in reality it's warning us to walk before you can run.
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out. Questions lead to answers. A self-explanatory statement that people ignore every day. Don't suffer in silence when a simple question or actively searching for answers could unlock a problem.
Good advice is often annoying, bad advice is never.
You’re not always going to hear what you want to hear. If you are surrounded by yes men.
added by Anonymous 798 days ago 3    0

developmental proverbs you should not ignore

1 No game is killed by a roaring lion. Nothing is gained by sitting around and chatting about something. The proverb also means that you should work quietly towards your goals rather than prematurely talking about your accomplishments. 2 Not everyone who chased the zebra caught it, but whoever caught it chased it.

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