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Internet or digital addiction is extremely increasing world wide. This is amplified by social websites and apps like Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. These social sites and apps are used world wide without geographical limits unlike other sites.
added by 1001246165 694 days ago 1    0

For one to stop digital addiction, one should look for an experienced professional counselor to help him out of such a problem. One can always participate in physical leasure activities other than digital related programs. By doing this regularly, one can get out of such a problem.
added by Anonymous 792 days ago 2    0

How to reduce chronic digital addiction.

Internet or digital addiction is extremely increasing world wide. This is amplified by social websites and apps like Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. These social sites and apps are used world wide without geographical limits unlike other sites.

This is how one can prevent chronic digital addiction
1. Limit the amount of time spent on internet by doing other things like playing games.
2. Set days on which you must not access the internet.
3. Don't charge your phone daily, this would force you to use the internet in order to drain the power.
4. Always visit your friends and chat with them physically in place of using the internet.

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