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Emotional trauma always stems from stressful feelings coming from a strange event that is current or past.

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added by Anonymous 666 days ago 0    0

Emotional trauma also known as the psychological trauma is a result of an event causing a stressful life experience .
added by 1001246165 700 days ago 1    0

Emotional trauma also known as the psychological trauma is a result of an event causing a stressful life experience .
added by 1001246165 700 days ago 1    0

Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of extraordinarily frightening or distressful events that shatter your sense of security or make you feel helpless and can lead to challenges in functioning or normally coping afterward.
added by Anonymous 797 days ago 1    0

The challenge of emotional and psychological trauma

Emotional trauma also known as the psychological trauma is a result of an event causing a stressful life experience .
Emotional trauma often comes from an extraordinary past or on going events like chronic illness, domestic abuse, break up in a vital relationship.
People often are traumatized from events that make their life feel helpless, not loved and isolated. Emotional trauma always stems from stressful feelings coming from a strange event that is current or past.

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