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The two types of chemical reactions obtainable in chemistry are qualitative analysis and quantity analysis.
added by 1001277811 129 days ago 1    0

a compound is called qualitative analysis.
chemical reactions which measure the quantity mass or volume of elements
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 2    0

there are two types of chemical analysis.
chemical reaction which measure the quality of elements present in a compound is called qualitative analysis
added by 1001246165 699 days ago 4    0

There are two major known chemical analysis methods. That is; Qualitative analysis - used to find out if a substance is present in a sample. An example of this type of analysis is the flame test.
And another one is Quantitative analysis - used to find out how much of a substance is in a sample. These tests produce numbers in their results.
added by Anonymous 796 days ago 3    0

types of chemical analysis.

there are two types of chemical analysis.
chemical reaction which measure the quality of elements present in a compound is called qualitative analysis.
chemical reactions which measure the quantity mass or volume of elements present in a compound is called quantitative analysis.

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