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The two basic areas that specifically deals with the analysis of compound is the empirical formula and chemical formula all of these formula deals with the calculation of percentage in chemistry.
added by 1001277811 122 days ago 1    0

Empirical formula and chemical formula are calculated from percentage composition percentage composition of a compound is measured by chemical analysis .
added by 1001246165 693 days ago 4    0

Compound and elemental analysis is a process where a sample of some material such as soil, waste or drinking water, bodily fluids, minerals, chemical compounds is analyzed for its elements and compounds and sometimes its isotopic composition.
added by Anonymous 790 days ago 3    0

Analysis of a compound

Empirical formula and chemical formula are calculated from percentage composition percentage composition of a compound is measured by chemical analysis .
chemical reactions by which different elements and their amounts of a compound are determined is called chemical analysis.

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