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Chemistry is a branch of science which deals with the structure chemical composition of matter and properties of matter.
added by 1001277811 124 days ago 1    0

properties and changes in energy with laws or principles which govern these changes is called chemistry. the word chemistry is taken from ALKIMIYA which was changes to Alchemy .
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 1    0

Branch of science which deals with structure, composition, properties and changes in energy with laws or principles which govern these changes is called chemistry. the word chemistry is taken from ALKIMIYA which was changes to Alchemy .
added by 1001246165 694 days ago 2    0

Par exemple
La chimie étudie également les transformations de la matière qui font intervenir des modifications sur les couches électroniques externes : réactions chimiques oxydo-réduction, acido-basique.
added by Anonymous 816 days ago 2    0

Are you know about Chemistry

Branch of science which deals with structure, composition, properties and changes in energy with laws or principles which govern these changes is called chemistry. the word chemistry is taken from ALKIMIYA which was changes to Alchemy .

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