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It is believed that the valley of Niger and Benue are said to be the most expansive in West African countries.
added by 1001277811 125 days ago 1    0

This plateau extends through the border with Cameroon, where the montane land is part of the Bamenda Highlands of Cameroon.
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 2    0

I like the high flant land, when you are on top it feels like you are in heaven on heath everything becomes cool and you enjoy the moment in a natural wal
added by 1001249430 680 days ago 2    0

The valleys of Niger and Benue are the most expansive in West Africa

Nigeria's most expansive topographical region is that of the valleys of the Niger and Benue river valleys (which merge and form a Y-shape). To the southwest of the Niger is a "rugged" highland. To the southeast of the Benue are hills and mountains, which form the Mambilla Plateau, the highest plateau in Nigeria. This plateau extends through the border with Cameroon, where the montane land is part of the Bamenda Highlands of Cameroon.

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