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After the rain comes sunshine which displays bright sun.Meanwhile everyone of us has to be shinning like a star.
added by 1001277811 134 days ago 1    0

When the sun shines every dark place becomes enlightened and brings new hope to people. There's always the sun after the rain
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 4    0

When the sun raises after rain it dry up some water, to make the flower grow properly, warm up the surroundings and make a perfect place for us
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 3    0

And I enjoy this moment in life it's something unnatural and a blessing for refleshment.. the sun is beautiful itsa blessings and powerful source of energy we need
added by 1001249430 672 days ago 2    0

Due to pollution and dust there are too many particles in the lower troposphere like even pm2.5 pm10 and more along with different gases.
Rains actually use up these aerosols as their nuclei and hence they are drastically reduced. Also, many settle down, gases dissolve and thus suddenly the atmosphere is clearer. Hence the sun looks brighter.
added by Anonymous 782 days ago 2    0

what does the sun rise after rain?

After the rain the sun shines. it spreads lovely wondrous light. it makes every dark thing bright with its light. the atmosphere is washed. after rain, when the sun comes out of the clouds, it shines bright. Every dark thing becomes bright in the lovely sunshine. all the people feels very happy to see this lovely sight.

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