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Speed is the distance covered by the body in a unit of time it is a scalar quantity while displacement is the change of position of the body from it's initial position to the final position.
added by 1001277811 130 days ago 1    0

the shortest distance between two points in known as displacement .
the distance covered by a body in a unit time is called speed. it is scalar quantity.
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 1    0

the change in the position of body from its initial position to its final position or, the shortest distance between two points in known as displacement .
the distance covered by a body in a unit time is called speed. it is scalar quantity.
added by Anonymous 834 days ago 2    0

what is speed and displancement

the change in the position of body from its initial position to its final position or, the shortest distance between two points in known as displacement .
the distance covered by a body in a unit time is called speed. it is scalar quantity.

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