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What is the difference between evaluation and revolution?
What is the difference between Evolution and Revolution? Evolution refers to the gradual development or changes in something over a period. ... Revolution is the fundamental change in something in a staggeringly short period
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 0    0

The word evolution˜refers to the gradual development or changes in something over a period. The word˜revolution˜means 'a turnaround'— a sudden, complete, or radical change in something.
What is the difference between evaluation and revolution?
What is the difference between Evolution and Revolution?
added by Anonymous 826 days ago 2    0

What are the differences between evolution and revolution and meanings

The word evolution˜refers to the gradual development or changes in something over a period. The word˜revolution˜means 'a turnaround'— a sudden, complete, or radical change in something.
What is the difference between evaluation and revolution?
What is the difference between Evolution and Revolution? Evolution refers to the gradual development or changes in something over a period. ... Revolution is the fundamental change in something in a staggeringly short period. This is the major difference between the two words evolution and revolution.

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