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Sleep keeps us healthy and functioning well. It lets your body and brain repair, restore, and reenergize. If you don't get enough sleep, you might experience side effects like poor memory and focus, weakened immunity, and mood changes. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is an essential function1 that allows your body and mind to recharge, leaving you refreshed and alert when you wake up. Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases. Without enough sleep,
added by Anonymous 828 days ago 2    0

Sleep keeps us healthy and functioning well. It lets your body and brain repair, restore, and reenergize. If you don't get enough sleep, you might experience side effects like poor memory and focus, weakened immunity, and mood changes. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is an essential function1 that allows your body and mind to recharge, leaving you refreshed and alert when you wake up. Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases. Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly.
added by Anonymous 828 days ago 3    0

Wow, well explained so helpful clear and informative. Indeed we can't live without sleeping. So much important in our lives just like food is cherished its the same way sleeping should be considered.
added by Anonymous 828 days ago 3    0

lle soleil permet à votre corps et à votre cerveau de se réparer, de se restaurer et de se ressourcer. Quand on ne dors pas suffisamment, vous pourriez ressentir des effets secondaires comme une mémoire et une concentration médiocres avec des vertiges et mal de tête
added by Anonymous 829 days ago 4    0

Why do we need sleep and how essential it is to us

Sleep keeps us healthy and functioning well. It lets your body and brain repair, restore, and reenergize. If you don't get enough sleep, you might experience side effects like poor memory and focus, weakened immunity, and mood changes. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is an essential function1 that allows your body and mind to recharge, leaving you refreshed and alert when you wake up. Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases. Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly.

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