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African Countries are still backward so they are easily compromised to take actions not of their wish.
Africans are corrupt in search for a favour to win.
added by Anonymous 845 days ago 3    0

- African countries are not yet democratic because of the Struggle for political reform.
' It hasn't yet gotten a democratic because of role of anti- social elements.
- they is also growing econoand social inequalities among people.
added by 1001228705 857 days ago 2    0

Are African countries democratic

The answer according to my views is that African Countries are not yet to the level of democracy though they claim practising it.
* African leaders can't leave political powers willingly.
* African leaders still beg the western to decide their moves.
* African Countries are still backward so they are easily compromised to take actions not of their wish.
Africans are corrupt in search for a favour to win.

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