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By history it was apparently known that the longest river in the whole world is river nille which is located by the Mediterranean sea
added by 1001277811 127 days ago 1    0

It's the mother of the most longest civilization ie Egyptian civilization, Ethiopian civilization, moreo civilization among others.
added by Anonymous 447 days ago 0    0

Continuing it's Journey from Lake Kyoga via Karuma and Murchison falls, it flows into Lake Albert. This part of this river is Called Victoria Nile.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 2    0

Thank you for this for sure Nile is the longest river in Africa ami mostly attracts tourists. It's water and it having pass through many countries makes it special
added by 1001249430 681 days ago 3    0

The part of River Nile from Lake Albert to Nimule in Southern Sudan is called Albert Nile This river continues to Egypt.
added by Anonymous 847 days ago 4    0

Le Nil est le plus long fleuve du monde avec une longueur de 6741km , il se jette dans le lac Victoria .le Nil travers le pays appel Égypte . Les Egyptiens bénéficie pliennement de ce fleuve . Le Nil permet au égyptien d'avoir de diverses cultures et de bénéficier du climat
added by Anonymous 857 days ago 3    0

History about the Largest river called "River Nile"

The River Nile.
The River Nile is the longest river in the world, stretching 6741km from Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean Sea.

The River Nile flows Northwards From Bujagali Falls into Lake Kyoga.

Continuing it's Journey from Lake Kyoga via Karuma and Murchison falls, it flows into Lake Albert. This part of this river is Called Victoria Nile.

The part of River Nile from Lake Albert to Nimule in Southern Sudan is called Albert Nile This river continues to Egypt.

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