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It has been made known that block mountain which is also known as Horst mountain are being formed as a result of faulting or cracking up of two rocks together.
added by 1001277811 127 days ago 1    0

Block mountains are formed by two processes. One process is faulting another process is folding. One of the key example is mount Rwenzori in western Uganda. Formation by faulting is when the earth's interior is over heated and magma inside divergent causing the earth crust to tear due to the forces that pull apart from each other. When this process continues, lines of weaknesses are created and due to heavy weight by the blocks, they finally sink. The middle part is left in the middle which is the block mountain. Another process is folding which results as a result of opposite forces with in the earth crust pushing to the same central region. This leads the taering apart of the earth's blocks. When the process continues, the central part is forced up by uplifting forces to form a block mountain. This is how block mountains are formed.
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 3    0

Block mountains were formed when rocks between two cracks Or faults were pushed up or when the sides outside the cracks sunk
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 3    0

This is good the other mountain formed is this is in kwakwena village is kwamabwa which has alot of animals and cause Attention by the nation
added by 1001249430 682 days ago 2    0

Formation of Block or Horst Mountains.

Block mountains also known as Horst Mountains were formed through faulting (cracking). Block mountains were formed when rocks between two cracks Or faults were pushed up or when the sides outside the cracks sunk. An example of a block mountain is Mt. Rwenzori in Uganda in the western region.

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