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It was known that the longitude measures the East and West of the prime meridian while the latitude measures the North and South of the equator.
added by 1001277811 121 days ago 1    0

This is because we are able get grids of a place as a result of latitudes and longitude s
added by Anonymous 443 days ago 1    0

giving the number of the longitude and the number of latitude that meet there.
* Longitudes and latitudes do not change to go therefore it i
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 1    0

This is good remind of what we learnt long time ago , and it's exactly as stated. The same lines are used by Google maps to locate places
added by 1001249430 675 days ago 1    0

Locating places using longitudes and latitudes.

Longitudes measure distances East and West of Prime Meridian, while latitudes measure distances North and South of the Equator.
*When longitudes and latitudes are drown together they form a grid.
*We can tell the position of any place by giving the number of the longitude and the number of latitude that meet there.
* Longitudes and latitudes do not change to go therefore it is possible to find a place by using them.

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