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Air transportation is the costly means of transportation comparing to road transportation which is a little bit easier of the means of transportation.
added by 1001277811 118 days ago 1    0

These countries don't have local air transport, this type of transport is only for the government officials and workers like soldiers, members of parliament and others
added by Anonymous 660 days ago 2    0

Great I prefer raod transport than arie transport because road transport has less risks as compared to air transport unless going outside africa
added by 1001249430 673 days ago 2    0

En raison de manque de moyens financiers ,les transports aériens sont limités et parfois coûteux .ses genre de transport est réservé aux présidents et aux militaires
Par contre le transport routier et moins coûteux et a un bon prix et les gens préfèrent ses transports
added by Anonymous 854 days ago 2    0

Comparison between air and road transport in African countries.

In many African countries, air transport is not common due to economic factors. Many of African countries like Uganda are still developing countries therefore not yet financially stable and due to these factors, road transport is the commonest type of transport.
These countries don't have local air transport, this type of transport is only for the government officials and workers like soldiers, members of parliament and others. Air transport is only international like the Jambo Jet .
Road transport is the most common because it's cheap and affordable by many citizens. Tamac roads are common in cities and in trading centers.

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Other individuals in Uganda use air transport as well. I have used air transport several times and I live in Uganda as a citizen
added by Anonymous 420 days ago 1    0