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Travel is the way to reconnect with the members of the family back whom you left for a very long periods of time
added by 1001277811 123 days ago 1    0

No matter what sacrifices you make, no matter how far you travel, nothing and no one can replace the love of a home that has been with you, near or far, all your life and separation is sometimes painful.
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 1    0

It's very important to travel and comes back with good results and good stories to tell toy our family members, it's good and enji to hear and tell stories of where we visted
added by 1001249430 680 days ago 1    0

Travel is a way to reconnect with family

Travel is a way to reconnect with family
When you make the decision to travel long distances, you don't forget the people you love. No matter what sacrifices you make, no matter how far you travel, nothing and no one can replace the love of a home that has been with you, near or far, all your life and separation is sometimes painful.

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