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Traveling served as an antidepressant when you travel you feel relaxed and happy likewise comfortable from every manner of discomfort.
added by 1001277811 122 days ago 1    0

you are in a good mood, ready to cross mountains! A real remedy against melancholy: travelling makes you feel alive and besides, when you travel you only meet happy people!
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 1    0

It's good for health indeed, traveling marks us feel new and free from Troubles at a time and it builds up new life style in us and you feel different
added by 1001249430 679 days ago 1    0

Travelling: an antidepressant that works every time!

Travelling: an antidepressant that works every time! When you travel, you feel free from your constraints, you rest your mind, you are in a good mood, ready to cross mountains! A real remedy against melancholy: travelling makes you feel alive and besides, when you travel you only meet happy people!

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