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Of a truth some people see journey as a source of vacation to them when they will use that opportunity and do some other things.
added by 1001277811 118 days ago 1    0

Travelling can become the common thread of this existence and give meaning to one's life. Identify one's assets, talents and weaknesses and create a life project around them
added by Anonymous 663 days ago 1    0

Not just for some but for most of us who like traveling, this has really been helping alot of people and still can be utilised so as to discover more staffs
added by 1001249430 675 days ago 1    0

Parfois on peut dire que voyage est une vocation en se sens que d'autres voyage pour pouvoir trouver une vie confortable pour pouvoir subvenir à leurs besoins
D'autres voyage dans l'intention de découvrir ses talents cachés en lui
Pour d'autres c'est dans le but de réaliser a leurs rêves
added by Anonymous 857 days ago 2    0

For some, the journey is a source of vocation

For some, the journey is a source of vocation
The important thing then is to find one's intention to live properly in this world, to find one's place in society. Travelling can become the common thread of this existence and give meaning to one's life. Identify one's assets, talents and weaknesses and create a life project around them. Some discover a new passion, a new profession (spiritualism, sport, art, teaching...).

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