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Of a truth traveling is a good way to meet people whom we have not seen for queit a long period of time now.
added by 1001277811 125 days ago 1    0

Taking an interest in and asking questions of the locals is also about creating a bond and writing a story about the one you will never know again.
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 1    0

True when you are not traveling you can not meet new people and you can not meet new life style as you are just in one place.traveling is good for meeting new friends
added by 1001249430 681 days ago 1    0

Le voyage est d'un moyen de rencontrer les gens en se sans que le voyage nous donne l'opportunité de découvrir certains climat et végétation tout le long du chemin ,il nous permet aussi de s'échanger ,de se connaître et même de tisser des relations d'amitié ou d'affaires
Ça nous permet aussi de connaître la structure d'habitation des autres peuples
added by Anonymous 864 days ago 2    0

Traveling is good where by you learn more than you know and get different ideas, people as well as intresting.
I like traveling sure.
added by Anonymous 868 days ago 2    0

Traveling is a good way to meet people

Traveling is a good way to meet people
he diversity of people on our path allows us to exchange, share, compare our ways of life and not only with other travellers. Taking an interest in and asking questions of the locals is also about creating a bond and writing a story about the one you will never know again. Also, it is in your power to make it last or to end it once the moment has passed

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