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It has been known that forthnite battle royale is the world best games ever played today.It can be played with pc
added by 1001277811 141 days ago 1    0

Fortnite Battle Royale: the most popular
This is the full game and not a mobile adaptation, which makes it a little special: you can play with your friends on PC or consoles without any problems

added by Anonymous 669 days ago 4    0

the most played games on the phone we have many games .one is playing videos .secondly we have Audio playing etc
added by Anonymous 745 days ago 4    0

What is the world's most played phone game?

What is the world's most played phone game?
Fortnite Battle Royale: the most popular
This is the full game and not a mobile adaptation, which makes it a little special: you can play with your friends on PC or consoles without any problems

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