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This is a total of over $1.4 million in salary so far he donated back to the government and in turn to the people it helped.
added by Anonymous 676 days ago 0    0

In the new york times article it literally states "...he made the required payment to the I.R.S. for income taxes he might owe - $1 million for 2016 and $4.2 million for 2017. ... and most of the payments were rolled forward to cover potential taxes in future years."
added by Anonymous 1314 days ago 4    0

The New York Times (NYT) story about Trump only paid $750 in tax was debunked by the NYT own article

The big story heard all over the place right now is that Donald Trump only paid $750 in taxes for 2016 & 2017.

This is fake news, totally false and debunked with the original New York Times article itself if you read it.

Donald Trump prepays his taxes and receives no refund of over payments, he rolls any over payment forward to the next year.

Donald Trump paid $1 million in 2016
He paid over $4 million in 2017
and an ADDITIONAL $750 each year.

He invests most of his money back into his business, therefore while he is rich, he is cash poor on purpose, this allows him to continue to build his business with as much resources as possible.

On top of all this, he receives only a $1 salary as President, he's kept his promise and donated 100% of his Presidential salary (minus $1 per year he legally must accept) since day 1 to other areas, such as veterans, SBA, Surgeon General, USDA, transportation, and even the treatment of the covid in the USA. This is a total of over $1.4 million in salary so far he donated back to the government and in turn to the people it helped.

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