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speak up. Speak with people and to people. When there is a chance to ask a question, to express a doubt, to support an idea or to oppose it, or to air an opinion, do it. Don't miss the chance.
= smile is an excellent medicine for lack of confidence. Smile big. It gives you a real boost.
added by Anonymous 845 days ago 1    0

To build up confidence, act the way you want to feel

To build up confidence do the following :.
= when you are in any kind of assembly, try to sit as close to the front as you can.
= look the other person in the eyes.
= walk a little faster. It helps build up purpose and confidence. It is also more decisive.
= speak up. Speak with people and to people. When there is a chance to ask a question, to express a doubt, to support an idea or to oppose it, or to air an opinion, do it. Don't miss the chance.
= smile is an excellent medicine for lack of confidence. Smile big. It gives you a real boost.

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