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Oui effectivement il est vraiment important de libérer son organisme de toute souillures mental, physique et spirituelle car l' organisme a besoin d'être libre de ne pas avoir de rencune pour endommager une parti de notre organisme.
added by Anonymous 877 days ago 1    0


There are lots of spiritual impurities which bring impurity to our souls. Some of them include chronic habits that could stain your pysche. Any habit that tortures you psychologically is a spiritual impurity in your soul. Do you know that there are people who do things that they don't like or are addicted to things that make make them feel guilty?
This is ghost slavery which comes from allowing an impurity to occupy your mind for a long time. A lot of people in this world are not free but they just wish to be free or break free from chronic habits that torture them physically and emotionally.

There is someone out there who needs spiritual rehabilitation or physical someone is chronically addicted to alcohol, pornography, murstabation, weed and so on.
If you really want to be free from any habit, you must be willing to change too. Remember what you let to occupy your mind matters a lot to your life, it shapes your life style. We're are born with a free mind but due wickedness that is at hand in this world, we are contaminated spiritually. We let things or habits that stain our souls where by when we don't do these, we don't feel comfortable this is ghost slavery. You must free!

These are some of the mechanisms of breaking free from ghost impurity, your spiritual rehabilitation.
• First of all, you must be willing to be free or to break free. You must not be double minded. If it no, mean no. If it is yes, mean yes.

• Love it, no one can be successful in any thing when they don't love it. I mean keep the desire for overcoming high.

• Practice your purification, for example by filling your mind with clean things, the ones that are healthy and good. If you are addicted to porn, keep your mind busy with clean video games.

• Associate with people that are not struggling with the same impurity. You might be tempted to go back.

• Be resolute to overcome by adoring purity and practicing rehabilitation with one mind of being purified.

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