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It's correct because at some times false is needed when defending your self and truth is needed when you want to assure people.
added by 1001093630 878 days ago 0    0


"But to him who doesn't work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness." Romans4:5.
Good works without faith cannot buy righteousness and faith without works reflecting it cannot justify anyone before God.We are righteous when we believe in Christ and do what He tells us to do.False righteousness is thinking that if we do works that seem good to us we are righteous before God.If the works of justifying matters of murder is by murdering, then the Law would be righteous and Christ wouldn't have stepped on earth to rectify things. But works without Jesus are corrupt that's why we need faith and the amazing and sweet grace of God because we have all sinned. Some religions think by cleaning the body and doing good works of dressing decently, longfasting without having faith in the Son of God,they will be made righteous what a wrong thinking!
If righteousness comes with good works merely, God wouldn't have sent Christ to come and die for our sins.

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