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Effectivement l'éducation des filles est vraiment important car sont des mère éducateur des enfants. Alors on est sensé de mettre en application instruction des filles à haute niveau.
added by Anonymous 880 days ago 0    0

L'éducation des filles est vraiment important raison pour la quelle chaque fille doit obligatoirement aller à l'école.j'encourage vivement toutes fille de ne pas négliger cette option.
Voilà pourquoi j'aime ma femme qui a eu sa licence
added by Anonymous 883 days ago 0    0

Girl child education on rise, boy child education on decline

The much emphasis put on girl child education by the government and other non government has left boys on the hand left apart:as a result many boys have droped due to lack of guidance and counselling thus has increased injustices:

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No, the girl child education campaign has not affected the boys' rate of education. Globally statistics show that, primary, and secondary school enrollment rates are getting closer to equal for girls and boys 90% male, 89% female. But while enrollment rates are similar in fact, two-thirds of all countries have reached gender parity in primary school enrollment completion rates for girls are lower in low-income countries where 63% of female primary school students complete primary school, compared to 67% of male primary school students. In low-income countries, secondary school completion rates for girls also continue to lag, with only 36% of girls completing lower secondary school compared to 44% of boys. Upper secondary completion rates have similar disparities in lower income countries, the rate is 26% for young men and 21% for young women.
added by Anonymous 771 days ago 0    0