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Knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect
-If people say small something bad about you, judge you as if they knew you don't feel bad just remember dogs bark at people they don't know
added by Anonymous 673 days ago 0    0

I agree with those rules perfectly because surely what you meditate about is what you're so never waste your time with people
added by 1001099555 1311 days ago 4    0

I agree with you postivily because because along the line of mediation comes with a number of challenges postivily and negatively because the people around us have got different perspectives and reactions towards ones empowerment and success in life financially
Socially among others people will look at you at different angles of life and above all is a mediation to an element called an achievement there for mediating others towards a similar achievements depending on status, age bracket, class of different individuals will receive and percieve the mediation and appreciate differently.
added by 1001038554 1313 days ago 3    0

Yes what you meditate is what you're ,if your meditation is positive to your future then it will be like that, however if you're meditation is negative then expect closes door for your future.
added by Anonymous 1313 days ago 4    0

The rules of life with meditation

-Nothing is permanent, don't stress yourself too much because no matter how bad the situation is it will soon change.
-Never hate jealous people they are jealous because they think you are better than them.
-What hurts you today makes a stronger tomorrow
-Knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect
-If people say small something bad about you, judge you as if they knew you don't feel bad just remember dogs bark at people they don't know
-The falling of dry leaves sounds awarding to the remaining ones.

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