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The various groups of people mentioned in the above statements are real. They exist in our societies. Such people always pretend to be next to us but very dangerous to our lives. These people always talk sweetly when we are with them but the moment you go out their sight, you become their topic. Such people needs not be hated but be very keen about their movements or else our lives are in danger when we associate with such betrayers.
added by Anonymous 908 days ago 1    0

Groups of people you need to handle with care knowledge and wisdom but not to hate them.

The Thomas group: These people eat with you, they drink with you, walk with you and stay with you but they don't believe in you. They sometimes delay your dreams and aspirations in life. John 20: 24-29.
2.The Judas group: These people walk with you, eat with you, drink with you and stay with you but they mind about what they get from you but not you. They are not loyal to you and can easily betray you. Mathew 26:14-16.
3 The Dimas group: These people walk with you, eat with you, drink with you and stay with you but once you start to face challenges, they easily run away from you and forske you. 2 Timorthy 4: 10.

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