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We need alot of wisdom as we try to make money. Money drives the whole world crazy. Money does not discriminate age, gender, race religion, society or tribe. Indeed, without money life is very difficult. Money makes life extra easy because you get everything you like easily if you have money. Money makes nations to fight for natural resources such as gold, silver, diamond,copper and other precious metals. It's true that we have to use alot of wisdom to look for money and get it.
added by Anonymous 910 days ago 4    0

No one in this world can enjoy life without money. That is why everyone is struggling to get it at whatever cost
added by Anonymous 910 days ago 3    0

Money is life in this world coz one can not live without money

Yeah. That's right money acts as a medium of exchange and it's most driving this world crazy...
We are all trying to look for it thought it seems to be hard and for that reason wisdom and knowledge is needed

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Money can make life good but money is not life. In the old traditional societies there were no money but people still lived and in the present days people are living out there without money
added by Anonymous 899 days ago 0    0

Money can make life good but money is not life. In the old traditional societies there were no money but people still lived and in the present days people are living out there without money
added by Anonymous 899 days ago 0    0

Money only supports life but it's not life in itself because you can lose money and work again and get it but no one has a spare part of life and life is given us by our creator yet money is man made and it's just a medium of exchange.
added by Anonymous 907 days ago 0    0