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Onother way of increasing Cash flow in you business is Marketing. If you market your business, you will be able to attract many more customers thn ever before. With marketing, you let people who doesn't know your business to know its location, prices, durability and other benefits of the products. In marketing you give out some small gifts but in return, those small gifts will bring many customers into your business.
added by 1001201751 917 days ago 6    0

Do you know how to improve the cash flow in business.

There are various ways to improve cash flows in business and these include ;
1. Cut costs in business

2.Cut stock in business because there might be products that takes longer periods to be sold out, products which are easily sold out should be prioritise.

3.Delay payments to suppliers, suppliers shouldn't be paid instantly but after a certain period of time.

4.Reduce the credit period offered to your customers, even though suppliers are delayed for their payments but customers shouldn't take longer time to clear their payments hence when practiced, there would be an improvement in cash flow in a business.

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Sincerely i dont know how to do it. However am glad that since am here at this platform am going to learn a lot about it and I thank every body who is going to participate.
added by Anonymous 915 days ago 2    0